My private residential services are carried out via an establish law firm. I work for these on a consultancy basis. The terms and conditions will be provided to you at the outset and follow the firms policies. These overwrite of terms and conditions on this site.
A Consultancy Agreement will be provided to you detailing all my terms and conidiations.
As a brief overview, this includes the following clauses:
The Client hereby agrees to engage the Consultant to provide the Client with the following consulting services (the "Services"):​
The Services will also include any other consulting tasks which the Parties may agree on. The Consultant hereby agrees to provide such Services to the Client.
The term of this Agreement (the "Term") will begin on the date of this Agreement and will remain in full force and effect until the completion of the Services, subject to earlier termination as provided in this Agreement. The Term may be extended with the written consent of the Parties.
In the event that either Party wishes to terminate this Agreement prior to the completion of the Services, that Party will be required to provide three days' written notice to the other Party.
The Consultant will charge the Client for the Services at the rate of £*** per hour (the "Payment").
The Client will be invoiced ***
Invoices submitted by the Consultant to the Client are due within 30 days of receipt.
Confidential information (the "Confidential Information") refers to any data or information relating to the business of the Client which would reasonably be considered to be proprietary to the Client including, but not limited to, accounting records, business processes, and client records and that is not generally known in the industry of the Client and where the release of that Confidential Information could reasonably be expected to cause harm to the Client.
The Consultant agrees that they will not disclose, divulge, reveal, report or use, for any purpose, any Confidential Information which the Consultant has obtained, except as authorised by the Client or as required by law. The obligations of confidentiality will apply during the Term and will survive indefinitely upon termination of this Agreement.
All written and oral information and material disclosed or provided by the Client to the Consultant under this Agreement is Confidential Information regardless of whether it was provided before or after the date of this Agreement or how it was provided to the Consultant.
All intellectual property and related material, including any trade secrets, moral rights, goodwill, relevant registrations or applications for registration, and rights in any patent, copyright, trade mark, trade dress, industrial design and trade name (the "Intellectual Property") that is developed or produced under this Agreement, will be the sole property of the Client. The use of the Intellectual Property by the Client will not be restricted in any manner.
The Consultant may not use the Intellectual Property for any purpose other than that contracted for in this Agreement except with the written consent of the Client. The Consultant will be responsible for any and all damages resulting from the unauthorised use of the Intellectual Property.